
Person Detail

Farhan 🇸🇴Buffet, Haus Hiltl

Salaam alaykum! My name is Farhan. 👋 Originally I come from Somalia, but I have been living in Winterthur for 14 years with my wife and 5 children. 🇸🇴🇨🇭 In Somalia I had my own shop and sold food, clothes and everything you need at home. Unfortunately my shop was destroyed during the civil war, so we had to leave everything behind and looked for a safe place to raise our children. My children are now between 3 and 15, 4 of them already go to school – they like it here in Switzerland and they see Winterthur as their home. 🏠💕 Although I miss Somalia very much – with my family I feel at home everywhere. 👨👩👦👦 When I came to Switzerland, my friend Saleban from the kitchen in Haus Hiltl told me that they were looking for a new employee for the kitchen. I got the job immediately! 🎉 Due to my quick comprehension task I was able to work everywhere in the kitchen for 4 years. 11 years ago I was drawn to the Hiltl Buffet and since then I have been working there with a lot of heart and soul. 💪🎊 I like the work at the Hiltl Buffet much better than in the kitchen, because the tasks are more varied and I have learned more. What I generally like so much about Hiltl are my employees, because they are also my friends. 🙏 I also love food – everything from saffron gnocchi to the Hiltl buffet. Food simply makes you happy! 🤗 That’s why I stand at home at the stove from time to time and experiment with different recipes. But honestly: My wife cooks 1000x better than me. 😅

What I want for the future is for peace to reign in Somalia. 🕊 This civil war has been going on for over two decades and too many lives have already been lost. My thoughts are with my compatriots. ❤ Life in Switzerland is so incredibly beautiful, but I still miss my homeland and my compatriots. At this point I would like to thank everyone who read my story and especially Hiltl, who gave me a second home. Much love. 💚

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