
Product Detail

Quick family recipes


Despite our busy everyday lives, we want to offer our children as balanced a diet as possible. But especially on weekdays, things have to be done quickly and all too often pizza, take-away or pasta with tomato sauce end up on the table.

In this course, you will learn how to cook wholesome, vegetarian meals for your children in spite of little time, which they will actually eat and which the adults will also enjoy. You will learn tips and tricks for menu planning and cooking organisation that will make your life easier, save you time and give you the joy of cooking again, so that meals for the whole family will be more relaxed and enjoyable.

Short description:

  • Introduction to creating and planning balanced veggie meals for the whole family
  • Tips on time saving, attractive presentation for children’s eyes and dish enhancement for adults
  • Participants divide into teams, each team cooks one dish
  • Eating together
  • Recipes by e-mail as PDF

About the guest speaker:

Dorrit Türck is a recipe developer, author and yoga teacher. She ran the Hiltl Academy for more than 10 years. In the meantime she has set up her own business. Her first cookbook, “gmües”, was published a year ago and the second is currently in the works. Dorrit finds her inspiration in the diversity of vegetarian cuisine, on her travels and at the weekly market. She is a mum of two small children and cooks for her family every day with passion and joy. Together with the professionals from Hiltl, Dorrit Türck shares her extensive knowledge and reveals many valuable tips and tricks for healthy family cooking.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the class will be held in German.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024: 5.30 pm – 9.00 pm

Please select the date in the calendar (highlighted in green):







CHF 200.00

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