
Product Detail

cooking with wild herbs


Bringing nature in all its diversity and beauty to the plate. To arrange and process everything in such a way that the essence of nature comes to the fore. That the respect for the wild plants can be felt and the food is a real treat.
Shapes, colours, textures – there are no limits to creativity in this course, because they are as rich as nature itself.
We will show you how to conjure up an exclusive menu using various wild herbs, simple ingredients, tips and tricks.
Where can nature’s treasure trove replace food from the supermarket?
Wild herbs are making a comeback – even on top-class menus! Let’s discover this world together.

We are delighted to be working with the Wildkräuterschule. Here is the link to register

Short description:

Introduction to the topic
Participants divide into teams, each team cooks a dish with tummy-friendly ingredients
Eating together
Recipes by e-mail as PDF

To the guest speakers
“I have always been fascinated by the stories of food, producers and creators, which are different for every plate served. From my training in the superior hotel industry to many years of event organisation at top level, I was able to take some of these with me. Today, I use these insights into the gourmet world, my great enthusiasm for wild herbs (I am currently a trainee at the EMPOWERMENT for Life wild herb school) and food to create new dishes in the kitchen, prepare them lovingly and enchant our guests.

“For me, food is the bridge between people and the earth, cooking is the articulation of our cultures and ourselves. Over the last 13 years, I’ve been able to go through many stages and have learnt a lot, from street food to fine dining, and I’m passionate about passing this on. Wild herbs were long forgotten in the catering industry, but are increasingly appearing on top-class menus. Like the tinkerers and explorers of the food scene, these flavours and colours challenge and fascinate me too.”

14 September 2024 – 09.00 am to 14.30 pm

Registration via the Wild Herb School website.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the class will be held in German.





CHF 250.00

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