Sziasztok! 👋 My name’s Eva and I’m from Hungary. 🇭🇺 Why Switzerland? 🤔 First of all I wanted to proof that I can survive in a foreign country without the help of my family. 😊 On this little journey I didn’t just found myself, no, also my love. My husband. 😅💕 That’s why I am here for about 10 years and happy to be here. 💛 At Hiltl I work since 6 years. First at service, then as a head of service and nowadays as the deputy head of the served gastronomy. My motto: There are no problems – just solutions! Because life’s too short to eat bad soups. ☝️ For Switzerland’s future I wish a more stressless everyday life. And patience. Lot of it. Take a deep breath and smile. Trust me. It helps! 🙈